Sunday, December 23, 2007


I should've finished Bethlehem / Three Kings today. It was the perfect day for stitching. Mike was off at his Office clearing up some business, my Mother was off at my sister's house for a visit... Morgan was at my Dad's picking up the new computer he's built for her...

It was just me, the cats, the CD player, and the stitching.

Uhm... I didn't do much stitching.

Oh, I started the Manger scene... finished the Christ-child and Joseph... and that was as far as I got. I think I'm coming down with a cold or bronchitis. Morgan called from Daddy's and she's had a rough day -- been sick since early this morning.

I slept a great deal of the day. It was cold, windy, and rainy. Man, it was perfect stitching weather. And I slept through it.

I'm feeling a bit down, too, as my niece is in The Nutcracker in Las Vegas and I won't get to see her perform. She's a Russian princess in this year's version of the Ballet.
My sister did send me photos and Dee looks so beautiful and so grown-up! She's On Pointe now, too. *sigh* They grow up too soon.

My Morgan, who dropped Ballet after eight years, has decided to return to dance. Out of the blue a couple weeks ago, she announced that she was ready to return to dancing. Thank Heavens those Prima Russe Pointe shoes still fit! It's going to be expensive enough to re-outfit her with leotards, tights, shrug, buns... etc.

But I'm not complaining. She's a good dancer and we always enjoyed watching her perform. It was her decision to take a break a couple years ago and her decision to begin again. I wish her all the best -- she knows we love her no matter what.

All that said... it's time I hunt down my trusty bottle of Ambien and retire for the night -- or what's left of it. I'm determined to finish Bethlehem / Three Kings by tomorrow (well, today, rather) so that I can start stitching St. Georges again. Although, my hopes of finishing that before New Year's Day are rapidly fading.

I also have to rummage about my stash for the very large working copy of Elizabeth & The Lavender Sky as I have promised to start working on that one on New Year's Day. That's my 16th BD gift to Morgan -- in August -- and she'll not be pleased should I miss her birthday.

Sometimes, trying to get it all together can be bloody exhausting.

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