Saturday, August 03, 2013

Beads for Elizabeth (and her Lavender Sky!)

I always try to put a Ladybug or Turtle in the things I stitch for Morgan (Lizz) and Mike.

 Mirabilia's Elizabeth and The Lavender Sky is a big project and there is plenty of room to hide a few beads / charms that will have meaning for my lovely daughter.

 Morgan's full name is Elizabeth Morgan Rose. It is full of meaning for me and her Daddy. We chose her name carefully, with an eye to our past and her future.

Elizabeth means God's Promise, Morgan is Welsh and means Born by The Sea, and Rose, of course, means A Rose. God's promise of a rose, born by the sea. That's my girl.

Elizabeth was the name of my beloved Nanie's step-mother, Lizzie-Mama and my sister's first name (Love you, Beth!).

Rose covers several people: My maternal grandfather's mother was named Mary Rose, my own Mother is Rose Mary. I have a much-loved aunt named Rose, my cousin Pam's middle name is Rose... you get the picture! :) 

Morgan... this was Mike's personal choice. He is of Scots-Welsh descent and Morgan not only means Born by The Sea (and she was -- Tybee Island, Georgia), but it's the name of King Arthur's sorceress half-sister, Morgan le Fey.  Perfect for this magical child of mine.

So... I wanted some beads / charms to place on ETLS. I found a fantastic site called -- literally, it had almost everything I was wanted. Very low shipping charges, great prices and selection. VERY FAST DELIVERY!

I received two Ladybugs (one gold-tone, one silver-tone) as Morgan's nickname has been ladybug since birth! A paua abalone dolphin (to signify her birth on the island and her first school mascot), a paua abalone turtle (this is Mike's nickname and he is putting in 21 stitches on the border), a Celtic Cross representing her Celtic heritage and her Christian Faith, and a gold single rose.

Unfortunately, I didn't find any sewing / stitching themed beads -- but I am still looking. I also must find a music symbol for her.

 I think she will love this piece and it's "hidden" symbols. After it's done, I'll get started on Michelle's project, she's our oldest daughter. I'm torn between Mirabilia's Stargazer and Touching the Autumn Sky.

Decisions... decisions! :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a great idea! I never thought of customizing a design such as that. I am sure your daughter will love it!