Monday, June 03, 2013

A Finish and a WIP!

I finished Hinzeit's DAUGHTER for my youngest, Morgan. 36 ct. Lugana from Sassy's. Can't recall the name of the colour -- I'm sorry. The floss is Vikki Clayton's Premium Silk, Wisteria.  Notice the Ladybug?  I try to always put a ladybug on things I stitch for Morgan as that's been her nickname since birth.  <3

The WIP is CACKLE from Raise the Roof Designs.  Fabric is from Picture This Plus.  It's called Monster Mash. I LOVE it! Fabric from Sassy's and the silk is from Vikki Clayton!

1 comment:

kimstitch3 said...

Your "daughter" piece looks great. I have that in my to do pile. Take care,Kimberly