Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!

We did! Mike and I took our DD and her boyfriend to the Mall. The kids shopped and I found a nice cool spot directly beneath the skylight in the food court. I stitched on St. Georges for almost two hours.

We watched the fireworks last night, too, from River Street. They were very well done -- we enjoyed it.

After everyone had finally settled in and gone off to bed, I worked on Bethlehem / Three Kings for a little over an hour. I should've been working on House #3, HoHRH but it didn't call to me. Maybe tomorrow.

My DD will be away with her grand-dad until Saturday afternoon -- so, I may be able to make a free-stitch day. A couple loads of laundry, dinner, and nothing else.

I just can't seem to concentrate on any one piece right now -- I'm too restless. Summer does that to me. I just never have liked the summer months at all. I'm a winter person -- I function better, feel better when it's cold and crisp.
Trust me... the A/C doesn't even come close.

Okay, enough rambling... I'm off to tackle B/TH for a couple hours.

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